Member-only story
Liftoom : Board room in a lift.
Solutions that move:
To get insight and to make right decisions in business, board room can move to elevator room -for conducting meetings.
It simulate a anti gravity situation in brain- for some free thinking. it sheds the pull of problem level consciousness, and to a lighter plane.
As Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” .
He imagine that he was traveling on a light beam to come up with relativity theory.
Oscar winning Music genius AR Rahman mentions that he get new music rhythms while doing meditation in elevator .
Moonshot: 8 Virtual Environment: to evolve the ideas/ solutions
In the first level. clay pot making scenario is projected in the walls of elevator . resembling powdery ideas are getting molded.
Then 2nd stage bubbling under water scenario on the side wall display -to reflect generation of ideas and solution.
3rd stage :deep sea calm with sea life projection -viable solution insight.
4th :White fabric floating in the air. representing a solution found. Freedom from the issue.
5. Space infinite representing reaching all market
Lift-to- OM
Meditation can be thought in elevators o simulate higher consciousness.
Board room# decisions #conciousness #inights #solutions #innovation