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Portable fusion power from the past?
AI generated fusion reactor design below.This amalgam is a merger of Vajra +Burj Khalifa tower and fusion reactor design.Thanks to DALL-E
Vajara Methodology:
Send 2 split atoms through 2 ends of the Vajara gadget. Then fusing them in the middle by slowly increasing pressure and heat, using high-energy lasers convergence.
Similar to hand held double expresso compresser, it will fuse atoms to release energy like coffee drip.
Vajrayudha : A Bio-Tech Design
The gadget is often associated with the god Indra in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, and is said to be made of the god’s own spine.As it is known nerve highway, with all electrical pulse. Head of the Vajara looks like brain cross section.Best desings comes from our own body system to develop.
Thunderbolt design of Burj Khalifa tower:
A modern vajra gadget resumbulance can be found in world tallest building -Burj Khalifa tower. It was designed by the architects who designed Sears tower of Chicago.