Member-only story
Uloorai: Layered Cooking AI Way:
Each ingredients needs different temperature to cook in a tasty flavor able food preparation.
A layered Induction cooker approach similar to the cascading Uluru falls, ,in Australia can help in that way.
@Issue Resolved:
Most of the Multi cookers function like silo pit where all cooked in same blob.
Uloor-ai over comes that using AI technology
@Iot: Tracks nutrition-calories and proteins in real time and automates cooking with it’s temperature and weight sensors.
@4micro Air Fry: Air blown by fan moves the ingredients from one layer to other and stirs.
@AI Tech
Adding AI camera to this will adjust the temperature foe each ingredient . each layer cooks in different temp, once that is done that will move that item to next layer, like water fall moves.
@Self Cleaning: Air tornado tech to clean the layer using Fan.
Food is a macro medicine. Need scientific way of preparation.
Result in a master Pease dish for the customers.
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