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What If Black Hole’s Gravity Folds, DNA of Galaxies — Singularity
Both DNA and proteins undergo a self-assembly or folding process. Long double-stranded nucleotide chains coil themselves into double helices and polypeptide chains fold into compact, reproducible and function- al structures.
Similarly Singularity is created in black holes by gravity- energy down hill landscapes.
Galaxies sprouts from Singular DNA:
Big bang theory based on singularity seed sprouting to create galaxies to human genome.
Building blocks of natures quantum Machines:
Discovery of ethanolamine, the simplest head of phospholipids (building blocks of cell membranes) towards the molecular cloud G+0.693–0.027 located in the center of our Galaxy. Credits: Víctor M. Rivilla & Carlos Briones (Centro de Astrobiología, CSIC-INTA) / NASA Spitzer Space Telescope, IRAC4 camera (8 microns). IRAM
Proteins fold:
Both DNA and proteins undergo a self-assembly or folding process. Long double-stranded nucleotide chains coil themselves into double helices and polypeptide chains fold into compact, reproducible and function- al structures.
Similarly Singularity is created in black holes by gravity- energy down hill landscapes. potentially expands by big bang to many galaxy system to human genome.